A proven measure in a new way creates an additional sequestration of CO2
By adding nutrients to well managed young and middleage forests – which without our project would not have the measure – we increase the forests sequestration of carbon dioxide.
Roughly 69 % of Sweden’s total land area is covered by forests. The forest is like a gigantic solar panel which has an annual net sequestration of 40 000 000 tons of CO2.
On one hectar of forest land our measure can increase the sequstration with more than 20 tons of CO2 over eight years. Then the forest stands returns to its normal growth rate.
Sometimes in normal forestry practices fertilizers are added to older forest stands ten years before the harvest to increase the yield. In such cases it is a good investment for the landowner. We conduct the measure early in the rotation which means the sequstrated CO2 remains in the trees for a time of 50 + years above ground and much longer in the soil below ground.
To mitigate climate change we increase the sequestration of carefully selected parts of the swedish forests. Our goal is to annually increase sequestration by more than 2 000 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide until the year 2050.
Carefully selected forest stands
In the calucation of the climare benefits we have taken in consideration to all energy needed to manufacture and distribute the fertilizers all the way to the forest stands. The measure is conducted on private land owners forest stand which has approximatelly 50 years until it eventually will be harvested. To avoid negative impact on the environment no measure is conducted close to waters, peatland or other peticulary sensitive areas. Consultation according to 12 chapter. 6 § of the Swedish Environmental Code and the Swedish Forestry Agency’s general advice.
Positive effects on climate mitigation – long and shorts terms
The additional sequestration increases whithin a year of the measure. Higher growth rate means higher rate of sequestration. For approximately eight years the growth increases around 30 % above the normal rate.
On the long term we get more renewable resources which then can contribute to lowering* carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For example though substitution of steel and conctrete in the building industry and by replacing fossil fuels or other fossil energysystems.
*Effect of substitution = impact by for example tree buildings instead of constructions in worse materials concerning impact on climate. According to research this effect can be 11 tons/ha- Not accounted in The Forest Solutions methodology. Comes only as a bonus! See the complation of scientific published research below!
Effects of forest fertilization for carbon sequestration
Monika Strömgren, Associated professor in Ecosystem Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), 2015. A compilation of published research on the subject.
Effects of forest fertilization for carbon sequestration
Monika Strömgren, Associated professor in Ecosystem Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), 2015. A compilation of published research on the subject.